There is no doubt that the mother is the most important person in our life. Here are a few short and long essays on my mother. These are for almost every class. These essays are very easy to learn. You can find the suitable one for you.
My Mother: Short Essay (200 Words) for Class 1, 2, 3
My mother’s name is Rokeya Khatun and she is a housewife. She is 40 years old. As a housewife, she stays almost every time in the house. She is the best mother in the world. I love her very much. She worked as a school teacher but because of taking care of me and other siblings, she has left the job.
We respect her dedication to us and for the family. She is the best cook. She can cook really amazing and tasty foods. Even my neighbors are also really loved eating her cooked food. Lots of my friends come to my house to eat her cooked food. My mother loves them as she does me.
She is a woman with a broad mind. She is talented and wise. She is always busy with making our future bright. She does her best to try to make us happy. I love my mom very much; I know we can’t repay what she is doing for us. I think she is the best mother to exist in this world.
My Mother: Essay (300 Words) for Class 4, 5
Introduction: The most important person for someone in life is his mother. We have seen this world and born because of our mother. So it is really important to know more about mother and love them. Mothers are really amazing, they are selfless.
They never think about themselves. They are thinking about their kids only. They try to do the best for their kids. My mom is also not different from others. She loves me a lot and today I will tell you about my mother.
My Mother: My mother name is Sahana Ahmed. She is a doctor. She works in the nearest government hospital. As a doctor, she has a busy working life, but after all of these, she takes care of me a lot. She is forty years old, but she looks younger than her age.
She is a kind woman and she helps people a lot. She keeps good relations with all of our relatives and neighbors. She knows how to behave very well with everyone. She can cook really well. I love to eat her cooking. In her leisure time, she cooks for the whole family.
Importance of Mother in Life: It is not possible to explain properly how important it is to have a mother. In our life, we need the love of a mother to understand everything. Mother is our first teacher, who teaches us to speak, walk. She sacrifices so much in her life to make our life better. There are no selfless people in this world as like mother. They never think about themselves, they only care about their kids.
Conclusion: I love my mother very much. I think she is the most amazing mother in the world. I wish a long life for her because I want to stay with her forever.
My Mother: Essay (400 Words) for Class 6, 7
Introduction: Mother is the most important person in the world for everyone. She loves her kids more than anyone. We all should love and respect our mother. They do so many things for us. Giving birth is the hardest thing in this world. They tolerate this pain just because of their kids. They forget every pain when they see our face. Mothers are the best gift for God. We should take care of our mother properly.
My Mother: My mother name is Rekha Sen. She is forty years old and a housewife. I think she is the most beautiful woman in this world. I love her very much. My mom is really hardworking; she does almost every work in the home. She gets up early in the morning and goes to bed late.
All-day long, she works for the family. I am my sister sometimes help her, but most of the work she does alone. She is a great cook; she can cook really tasty food. There are a few friends of mine, who are a fan of my mother cooking.
What She Does for Family: My mom is doing her best for the family. She has sacrificed so much for our family. My father is a school teacher and he stays in school most of his time. But the mother has to control the family, that’s why she has to work always.
She tolerates so much in her life because of our better future. She always wants the best for us. Even she washes our clothes, cleans our rooms, and does so many things.
My Mother as a Teacher: I think my mom is the best teacher in my life. She has taught me so many important and realistic lessons that help me to live a better life. When I was a kid, she used to teach me the letters. She taught me almost everything.
Still, now she helps me a lot to do my homework. I think she is the first teacher in my life and her teaching has taught so many important things.
Conclusion: Mothers are the most important person in the world. We need to take care of our mothers. I love my mom a lot. Everyone should love their mother because the mother loves us most. There is none in this world who can love us more than our mother.
My Mother: Essay (500 Words) for Class 8

Introduction: Every mother loves her child more than anything in the world. We all have mothers and we should love and respect our mothers. Today I am going to share lots of things about my mother. A mother raises her kid with her best effort financially, physically and emotionally.
Sometimes they do extra work to make our life better, but they never feel bad for this. Mothers are selfless and non-complaint, they never complain about their life. It’s the most important thing about a mother. They know how to take responsibilities and fulfill them. Mother is the person; because of her, we are seeing this world. We shouldn’t ever let them down. We should love and respect them.
Bonding of Mother and Child: Bonding between a mother and a child is really amazing. Mothers are the most important thing for every child and kids are the first priority for mothers. This relation is the purest relation in the world.
The mother does everything for her kids without any expectations. They just want a better life for her kids. So bonding between mother and child is strong and any force can’t break this bonding.
My Mother: My mother’s name is Ruksana Ahmed, and she is a housewife. She is forty years old. She plays the most important role in our family. Her day starts very early in the morning; she wakes up and cooks food for all of us. Then she cleans the entire house and takes us to school.
After coming back from school, cook food again, and feed us. I think she is the best cook ever. She makes really delicious food. My mother is my biggest supporter. Whatever I do, she inspires and stands behind me as a guide. In my last science project, she helped me most and I came first in the competition. When I get succeed anything, she is the happiest person in that time.
How Much She Loves Me: There is no limitation or I can’t measure the love of her for me. I know she loves me most and I also love her really too much. Home is called ‘HOME’ because of her only. She is my best friend and guide. She teaches me how to survive in the world.
She is the one who never gets tired loving us more and more. Love of a mother is different, unique and it’s not possible to replace by any other person. We won’t find any love in the entire world that can be compared with the love of a mother.
Mother as a Guide: She has a crucial role in my life as a guide. Whatever I do, she guides me on the right path. Sometimes, we make mistakes and they show us the right thing as guardian. She is the one who brings us on light and removes all darkness from life.
Conclusion I love my mom so much. I think she is the best person in the world. She is my life; I wish her a long life with us. People who don’t have someone to call ‘mother’, they understand the value and importance of a mother. So we just need to appreciate her presence in our life.
My Mother: Essay (600 Words) for Class 9, 10

Introduction: Every mother in this world is really amazing for their kids. Today I am going to share something about my own mother. I think everyone should love and respect their mother because she is the one who gave us birth and let us see this beautiful world. She has tolerated so many pain and problems because of raising us in a good way.
My Mother: My mother name is Sunita Sharma. I think she is the most significant person in the world. She is the strongest woman I have seen ever. She has faced so many problems and obstacle in life and solved everyone wisely. She is a housewife and forty years old.
She is really hardworking and her hardworking nature had made our life really better and comfortable. She gives her best effort to make the family better. She is the first riser in the family in the early morning. Including cooking and washing clothes, she does almost every household works alone.
Because of her dedication and sacrifice, we as a family are really happy. My father doesn’t need to take so much pressure about housekeeping. She is the one who handles almost everything. She takes us into social functions like marriage, birthday parties.
She is a friendly character. She has so many friends and they often visit our home. We also go to their place sometimes. She is keeping a really good relationship with neighbours and our relatives. The most important thing about her is, she is never-complaint.
She doesn’t regret and complain about her life. She is busy with us, making our life better. I think anybody can’t be so much selfless for you except a mother. Mother is the most important person right after God, that’s why I respect and love my mom most.
Mother as a Teacher: Mothers are always the first teacher of everyone life. In my life, she was the first one who taught me speaking, walking and knowing the letters. I can’t remember the days but can realize that she is an incredible woman. She taught me the first poem in my life. Still, now she is an amazing teacher in my life. She always assists me to do my homework. And sometimes she helps me with my projects.
Importance of Mother in Life: We have nothing in our life except our mom when we are an infant or little kids. In that time we need mother most. They play an important role in our life to grow up as a proper human. They teach us as our first teacher in life. They show us how to walk, speak, eat and everything. It’s the best place to get rest.
Qualities of a Mother: There are so many qualities in a good mother. I think every mother is a good mother. Let’s see some qualities of a good mother.
Selfless – Selflessness is the biggest quality in a mother. They never think about their own. They sacrifice so much for their kids.
Hard Working – They are hard working. They work really hard for the family. They work to make our future better.
Caring – All mothers are caring. They love to take care of us and the whole family. They set a bonding with us.
Loving – They love us so much. There is no love that could be comparable with the love of a mother.
Conclusion: Ultimately she is the person who is most important in my life. I love her so much and respect her. I wish to stay with her forever in my life. She is really amazing.
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